Arsip untuk Oktober 1, 2011


Posted: Oktober 1, 2011 in Kisah Kehidupan Pdf



Сулла не был тем первым, кто присоединил к своему имени титул императора: первым римским императором, по крайней мере формально, был Цезарь. Все же переход Республики к императорскому режиму, наступление которого внешне выражается в исключительном праве на титу л императора (раньше он присваивался военачальникам, одержавшим значительные победы на, поле битвы) I явился длительным процессом, в котором диктатура Су ллы была основополагающим моментом. Чтобы понять, как могло измениться политическое устройство до такой степени, что в руках одного человека оказалась вся власть, которую по тем временам делила между собой дорожившая своими привилегиями аристократия, и поинтересоваться, как общество, у которого. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

King and Country: Endland and Wales in The Fifteenth Century 

By: Ralph A. Griffiths 

This selection of essays and papers, published variously inWales, England,FranceandNorth Americabetween 1964 and 1990, deals with the fifteenth century. It explores themes in the history ofEngland,Walesand, to some extent, the dominions of the English crown beyond. Such a triple perspective can be instructive for the historian ofEnglandas well as for historians ofWalesand of the king’s lands overseas. Crown, court and capital were the fulcrum of political, administrative and social developments throughout the English realm and its associated dominions, as is illustrated here by the experience of Yorkshire and the north, and the principality and marches ofWales. Regional and more local relationships among magnates and gentry and their tenantry, among townsmen and religious and secular clergy, are of comparable significance in a polity which had strong and intricate links between capital and country, crown and localities, realm and dominions, court, castle, manor and town house. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Media Moguls

Posted: Oktober 1, 2011 in Bisnis dan Investasi Pdf

Media Moguls 

By: Jeremy Tunstall and Michael Palmer 

A small number of media moguls in a few western European nations are the sole subject matter of the second half of this book. But the phenomenon of media moguldom is only one important aspect of a European media industry of almost endless complexity. Looking at individual media moguls is one way of getting a handle on the wider complexity of European media. In the first half of the book we present case studies of selected industrial themes across the European media. We first consider the case of western European television in the transatlantic context of importedHollywoodprogramming. Second, we discuss the international news agency the type of media organization which first established a pattern of media global hegemony. In the late nineteenth century the British and French agencies (Reuters and Havas) established an effective global cartel for fast news, based on their imperial telegraph networks. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Making Magic

Posted: Oktober 1, 2011 in Tips and Tricks

Making Magic 

By: Randall Styers 

This is a book about the making of magic. Its principal objective is to explore a body of literature devoted to the production of magic as an object of academic study. My focus is a range of texts produced by Western scholars since the late nineteenth century dealing with magic from a wide array of disciplinary perspectives. Magic has been a central theme in the theoretical literature of the modern social sciences and religious studies since the very emergence of these disciplines. Western scholars have engaged in extended debates on the definition and nature of magical thinking, and innumerable academic texts claim to tell us the truth about magic. The pages that follow will be occupied with that truth. Yet as Bruno Latour warns, we should be wary of those who purport to analyze magic, since they are usually themselves magicians. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Machines Then and Now 

By: Robert Quinn 

Machines make our lives easier. We use them to do work, to travel, to communicate, and to have fun. Some machines are simple, with only one or two parts. Other machines are complex, with many parts that work together. What are the machines bellow called?, What do we do with these machines?, Which of these machines do you use?, What other machines do you use?. People invented the first machines a long tome aga. They were si,ple tools made of stone, wood, or bone. About two nillian years ago people made stone axes with wooden handles. They used these tools to cut wood. People also used stone and animal bone to make knives and arrows. To shoot their arrows they used bows made with long pieces of wood. People used simple levers to move heavy object like rocks. They pit one end of a long stick of wood under a big rock, and they put a small rock under the stick.  [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf