Arsip untuk Oktober 14, 2011

Sex, Power and Consent

Posted: Oktober 14, 2011 in Psikologi Pdf

Sex, Power and Consent 

By: Anastasia Powell 

CONTEMPORARY WESTERN CULTURE has been described as the ‘age of raunch’, ‘generation sex’ and generation SLUT (Sexually Liberated Urban Teens). These are the times of an unprecedented sexualised, sex-crazed and sex-everywhere culture, following the so-called liberation of the 1960s and 1970s. The rules for negotiating a sexual relationship have changed and are still changing. Today’s young people meaning those born in and after 1982, collectively referred to as ‘Generation Y (Gen-Y)’ or ‘Millennials’ are negotiating their early love and sexual relationships in an increasingly fluid and uncertain environment. The apparent mellowing of traditional values towards sex, marriage and the family mean that Gen-Y is redefining these new rules. But just what is it about these rules that is changing? In what ways have they changed already? In what ways are they still the same?. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Stalin’s Genocides

Posted: Oktober 14, 2011 in Fakta Pdf

Stalin’s Genocides 

By: Norman M. Naimark 

This short book really an extended essay is intended to argue that Stalin’s mass killings of the 1930s should be classified as “genocide.” This argument is made more difficult by the fact that there was no single act of genocide in the Soviet case, but rather a series of interrelated attacks on “class enemies” and “enemies of the people,” metonyms for diverse alleged opponents of the Soviet state. Episodes of mass killing also took a variety of forms, some involving mass executions, others exile in special settlements and camps of the Gulag, where many hundreds of thousands died from the unusually harsh character of arrest, internment, and interrogation, on the one hand, and hellish conditions of transport, housing, sustenance, and forced labor, on the other. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Seduce Me in Flames

Posted: Oktober 14, 2011 in Novel Pdf

Seduce Me in Flames 

By: Jacquelyn Frank 

Her heart beat harshly, her breath rasping in the back of her throat. What could it mean? What could he want? The same questions swirled around in her head again and again as she strode through the palace hallways with an air of confidence she did not feel. There had never been a sense of confidence, a sense of security in her life. Even when her father had supposedly loved her, she had never felt that sense of cocooning comfort that a child was supposed to feel when in the presence of her protector. She supposed his treatment of her these last years had proven her very intuitive, even at toddling age. He had once professed a magnificent love for her mother. There were those in her household who swore, to this day, that her mother had been the great love of his life. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Romancing The Shadow

Posted: Oktober 14, 2011 in Arts and Poems

Romancing The Shadow 

By: J. Gerald Kennedy and Liliane Weissberg 

S:uch recent events as the torching of black churches “across the South, the hate crime in Jasper, Texas, and threatening, anonymous letters to the heads of minority colleges and universities remind us that racial differences continue to stir fear and loathing In a republic dedicated to “liberty and justice for all.” The monstrous paradox embedded in the Declaration of Independence and incompletely resolved by the Civil War haunts the millennial United Stateswith a long legacy of injustice and resentment. In Faces at the Bottom of the Well, Derrick Bell has expressed the bleak conclusion that racism is an “integral, permanent, and indestructible component” of American society (ix), and observers such as journalist Carl Rowan have predicted a latter-day “race war.” [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf


Posted: Oktober 14, 2011 in Novel Pdf


By: Daniel Kraus 

This is the day my mother dies. I can taste it right off: salt on my lips, dried air, the AC having never been switched on because she died from heart failure while reclining in front of the television, sweating in her underwear, her last thought that she needed to turn on the air because poor Joey must be roasting in his bedroom. Pulmonary embolism: it is what killed everyone on her side of the family and now it has killed her, while I slept, and this salt is the bitter taste of her goodbye. Turns out, her heart is not what got her. There are her usual morning noises. The apartment door unbolts and unlocks. I kneel on my bed to look out the window. The dawn is piss yellow but beautiful because it is another day and she is alive, and I am alive, and the city around us is screaming with life. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf